Monday, November 14, 2011

DIY Repair On Your Refrigerator

!9# DIY Repair On Your Refrigerator

It's no at all uncommon to see your refrigerator functioning great and then you suddenly notice come, well you would not come close to calling them malfunctions, but yeah, it seems like suddenly your refrigerator is not functioning great anymore. What should you do? Most people will call the repairman and pay for their services. Some will just ditch the fridge and buy a new one.

The second option is not at all practical, unless your refrigerator is like 10 years old and have been showing signs of age already. Nonetheless, if this is not the case, don't replace your fridge right away. The first option is actually very common; when we encounter problems with the refrigerator, or any other appliances, it seems that the most sensible thing to do is to call for help.

But why pay for these repair service when you could repair the refrigerator yourself? Seems impossible? Many people have actually been doing do-it-yourself repair works on their refrigerator so you can do it, too. You need not be an expert on handling appliances; all you need to do is follow these simple guidelines.

My fridge is not cool!

A typical refrigerator should have a temperature of 38 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit in order to store and preserve your food properly. A warm refrigerator is not a problem to ignore as this may cause your food to spoil. If this happens, check the thermometer inside the refrigerator. The first thing you can do is adjust the temperature through the thermometer.

Wait for the temperature to gradually set in but if after 6 hours and the temperature still did not change, check the fan. If the fan runs just fine, check the condenser coils, which may be located at the front while most are found in the back. To check the condenser coils, remove the cover and using a vacuum cleaner, remove the dust and dirt. You can also use a stiff brush or you may prefer to wash them with soapy water, especially if the dirt has hardened or are greasy.

Another reason for the warm temperature may be that you haven't defrosted lately, especially if your fridge needs to be manually defrosted. If so, defrost the refrigerator by turning it off and removing all the food items inside the freezer and refrigerator. Leave the freezer and refrigerator door open overnight. In the morning, replace the food, turn the fridge on and put the thermostat on a middle setting.

If you have done all the things above and still find your refrigerator warm, it may be time to replace your door seal. Broken door seals fail to seal in the cool air and allows warmer air from outside to enter. You can test you door seal by placing in a piece of paper on the door seal and then close the door. If you can remove the paper easily, then that is a sign your door seal is not working well.

Leaks and puddles on the floor

A common refrigerator problem, water that leaks from the refrigerator down to your floor may come from different sources and different causes. One of the most likely reason is that the lines of the water and/ or ice dispenser of the fridge are broken. These broken lines may have to be replaced. That may be the cause for leaks unless of course, you do not have water dispenser on your fridge.

Another cause of leaks may be the defrost tray or drain pan underneath the refrigerator. If you fridge has this, check it for damages, cracks and even holes. After that, clean the drain tube which can be located in the floor of the fridge or at the back. Pour a mixture of hot water and bleach through the opening using a turkey baster. After cleaning, empty the drain pan of water.

Finally, leakage and water spills may come from a clogged drain in the freezer. If this happens, you can usually find the water dripping from the ceiling of your refrigerator (if your fridge has the freezer on top of the body). If this is the case, the solution is to unclog the drain the freezer or to dry the insulation by removing first the divider of the fridge and the freezer.

Noisy neighbors, noisy fridge

Another very common problem that you can fix yourself is the noise coming from your fridge. Many people will often ignore and even dismiss this problem, thinking that the sounds are just signs that the motor is working. On the other hand, these noise we hear may be a sign of something else, and that there may be something wrong with your fridge.

Like water spills and leakage, these noises may also come from different sources. However, the most common source is from the inside of the fridge. When this happens, it is probably the fan that is causing it. If your refrigerator is quite old, the fan will omit noise, which may vary from chirping to squealing to full out groaning. If the noise becomes too loud, it may be a sign that your fan is already worn down and may need to be replaced.

DIY Repair On Your Refrigerator

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